Windows 11 Pro [haxNode] 22631.2506 Pre-Activated Required) 23H2 TPM (No Build – Torrent

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Windows 11 Pro 23H2 Genel Bakış

Windows 11. Bu duyurunun ana kısmı, kod adı Sun Valley olan önemli bir kullanıcı arayüzü değişikliğinin sunumu olacaktı. Bildiğimiz gibi, UX değişikliklerinin önemli bir kısmı Windows 10X kabuğundan ödünç alınacak ve Windows 10X piyasaya çıkmıyor. Şimdi, beklendiği gibi, Windows 11 bilgi sızıntısı başlıyor

Windows 11 23H2 (x64) With (Non-TPM) Pro Build 2021 Plus 22631.3155 Office Multi Torrent

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TPM Gerekmiyor | Microsoft Office Pro Plus | Çok Dilli | Önceden Etkinleştirildi | 64 bit | Şubat 2024

Windows 11 23H2 Yapı 22631.3155 (TPM Olmayan) Office 2021 Pro Plus (x64) Çok Dilli Önceden Etkinleştirildi [FTUApps]

Bu, yeni arayüz ve yeni Microsoft Store, yapay zeka destekli yeni kişiselleştirilmiş besleme ve Microsoft Edge’den sınıfının en iyisi tarayıcı performansı, görev çubuğuna entegre Microsoft Teams Sohbeti ve daha fazlası gibi diğer yeni özelliklerle Windows işletim sistemi sürümlerinin en son sürümüdür!

Yenilikler Windows 11:
– Windows 11 tamamen yeni bir tasarıma kavuşacak. Microsoft’un geçmişteki iddialarını geri çekmesi ve yeni bir işletim sistemi numarası sunarak Windows 10’u terk etmesi için açıkça iyi bir nedene ihtiyacı var. Ve tamamen yeni bir tasarım bunun için harika. Redmond devi uzun zamandır Sun Valley (“Sun Valley”) kod adıyla bir güncelleme için yeniden tasarım hazırlıyordu – görünüşe göre, bu adlandırma altında Windows 11 vardı. Sun Valley projesi uzun süredir ağda parladı – Microsoft düzenli olarak yeni arayüz stilinin ayrıntılarını açıkladı, içeridekiler daha önce bilinmeyen bilgileri paylaştı ve çevrelerindeki popüler tasarımcılar tüm bu verilere dayanarak gerçekçi konseptler çizdi.
– Başlat ve sistem öğeleri alt çubuğun üzerinde yüzecek. Başlat, Windows’un her yeni sürümünün kartviziti ve yüzüdür. Şaşırtıcı olmayan bir şekilde, Windows 11’de geliştiriciler onu tekrar dönüştürecek, ancak işlevsel olarak değil, görsel açıdan – Başlat penceresi alt çubuğun üzerinde yüzecek. Bu küçük değişikliğin sistemin görünümünü çok daha taze hale getirdiğini kabul etmeliyiz. Ağdan gelen bilgilere bakılırsa, Microsoft bu menünün “iç kısımlarını” kökten değiştirmeyecek – yenilikler yalnızca pencerenin tasarımını etkileyecek. Kontrol paneli de yüzecek ve tasarımı “Başlat” ile tamamen aynı olacak. Eylem merkezi, kontrol düğmeleriyle birleştirilecek – benzer bir tanesi uzun zamandır bazı diğer işletim sistemlerinde kullanılıyor. Bu yeni menüden neredeyse tüm bahsedenler, bunun bir ada olacağını gösteriyor – kontrol düğmeleri ayrı bir panelde, bildirimler başka bir panelde ve belirli öğeler (bir oynatıcı gibi) ayrı bir panelde yer alacak.
– Dik açılar kaybolacak, bunların yerini filetolar alacak. Gerçekte, içeridekiler ve konsept tasarımcıları bu noktada aynı fikirde değil – bazıları Microsoft’un geleneklerini değiştirmeyeceğinden ve dik açıları koruyacağından eminken, diğerleri Microsoft’un 2021’de fileto modasını takip edeceğine ikna olmuş durumda. İkincisi, “tamamen yeni Windows” tanımına daha iyi uyuyor – sadece gezinme menüleri, yeni bir tasarımın gerçekten yeni olarak kabul edilmesi için yeterli değil. Filetoların, bağlam menülerinden ve sistem panellerinden tüm uygulama pencerelerine kadar sistemdeki hemen hemen her şeyi etkilemesi bekleniyor. Doğru, bu konuda bile konsept tasarımcılarının görüşleri farklı – bazıları tüm olası arayüz öğelerine filetolar çiziyor, diğerleri bunları dik açılarla birleştiriyor.
– Her yerde bulanık yarı saydam bir arka plan olacak. Web’de pencerelerin görüntülenmesindeki ada stili, köşelerin tasarımı ve menünün levitasyon etkisi konusunda fikir ayrılıkları var, ancak neredeyse herkes pencerelerin şeffaflığı konusunda hemfikir. Sızıntıların ve tasarım renderlarının büyük çoğunluğu, en azından Başlat menüsü veya Explorer olsun, tüm pencerelerde şeffaflık ve bulanıklık gösteriyor. Dahası, bu etkiler, Microsoft’un Sun Valley projesiyle paralel olarak iki ekranlı ve zayıf gadget’lara sahip cihazlar için geliştirdiği iptal edilen Windows 10X işletim sisteminin montajında ​​bile var.

Windows 11 23H2.4169 16in1 2024.9.11 Integral x64 Edition – en-US Torrent

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Desktop Screenshots and Malware Scan:

[———- Changelog ———-]

(#) 2024.9.11 Changes:

* Added the latest Windows 11 23H2 x64 updates from 14.8 (August).2024 to 10.9 (September).2024: KB5041655 (Replaces KB5036212) | KB5043076 (Replaces KB5041585).
* Added new presets: Tamper Protection = Off, Taskbar Widgets = Off.
* Windows Malware Removal Tool (KB890830-v5) x86 updated from “v5.127.24080.1001” to “v5.128.24090.1001”.
* Updated Microsoft Defender (KB2267602, KB4052623, KB5007651) x86 from “v1.417.41.0” to “v1.417.540.0”.
* Updated Microsoft Edge (Chromium) x86 from “v127.0.2651.98” to “v128.0.2739.67”.
* Updated Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime x86 from “v127.0.2651.98” to “v128.0.2739.67”.
* Full K-Lite codec pack updated from x86/x64 “v18.5.0” to “v18.5.5”.
* Updated Mozilla Firefox x86 from “v129.0.1” to “v130.0.0”.

(o o)
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Windows 11 23H2.4169 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2024.9.11
For bug reports and questions, visit
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[———- INCLUDE ———-]

(#) Hardware requirements for Windows 11 Omit:

* This works for clean installs and upgrade scenarios.
1. Skip TPM (Trusted Platform Module) check.
2. Skip the Secure Boot check.
3. Skip the minimum CPU (Processor) check.
4. Skip the minimum 8GB RAM check.
5. Skip the 52GB minimum storage check.
6. Enable installation on legacy BIOS/MBR systems.
7. Allows offline account creation via OOBE for all editions.
* In the update menu you will see the word “Server” instead of “11”, this is normal, it is part of the trick to bypass the hardware requirements.
* If you don’t have a product key when you upgrade, simply use a generic product key from the ISO/Disc “.\sources\product.ini” file.

(#) Windows 11 Updates:

* All Windows 11 23H2 x64 updates are included until 10.9 (September).2024:
1. KB890830-v5 – Windows Malware Removal Tool version 5.128.24090.1001.
2. KB2267602 – Microsoft Defender Update (KB4052623 & KB5007651), version 1.417.540.0.
3. KB4559309 – Update Microsoft Edge (Chromium), version 128.0.2739.67.
4. KB5019178 – Security vulnerabilities exist in Memory Mapped I/O for some Intel processors.
5. KB5027397 – 23H2 Update Feature Activation Package, version 2355.
6. KB5037739 – Secure OS dynamic update.
7. KB5037957 – Configure dynamic update.
8. KB5041655 – Out of Box Experience Update.
9. KB5042099 – Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1.
10. KB5043076 – Cumulative Update for Windows 11.

(#) Windows 11 runtime libraries:

* Microsoft Edge WebView2 v128.0.2739.67 x64.
* DirectX End-User Runtime v9.29.1974.2 (June 2010) x86/x64.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2002 v7.0.9975.0 x86.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2003 v7.10.6119.0 x86.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2005 SP1 v8.0.50727.6229 x86/x64.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 SP1 v9.0.30729.7523 x86/x64.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 SP1 v10.40219.473 x86/x64.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 Update 5 v11.0.61135.400 x86/x64.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Update 5 v12.0.40664.0 x86/x64.
* Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2022 v14.42.34226.3 x86/x64.
* Visual Basic Runtime v1.00 x86.
* Visual Basic Runtime v2.0.9.8 x86.
* Visual Basic Runtime v3.0.5.38 x86.
* Visual Basic Runtime v4.0.29.24 x86.
* Visual Basic Runtime v5.2.82.44 x86.
* Visual Basic Runtime v6.1.98.39 x86 (Update SP6 KB3096896).
* Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime v10.0.60922 x86/x64.

(#) Windows 11 preconfigured settings:

* .NET Framework 3.5 = Installed.
* OneDrive automatic installation = Disabled.
* Diagnostic data collection = Disabled.


Yamicsoft Windows 11 Multilingual Crack 1.3.0 Manager + x64 Torrent

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Windows 10/11 Manager is a useful tool for optimizing, cleaning and restoring Windows 10 and 11. This program increases the speed of your system. It fixes errors that you may encounter in Windows. It detects and fixes security problems in Windows 10 and 11. This tool is actually a set of 30 different tools, with the help of which all users, from beginners to professionals, will be able to achieve the desired goal by choosing several options.

It is true that all these settings can be applied through Windows itself, but sometimes, for some reason, we may forget a specific parameter in the registry or other parts, or we may not be able to interact with various parts of Windows. In addition, manually setting values ​​is error-prone, and entering the wrong value can cause irreparable damage to the operating system. For this reason, the use of such tools can provide users with the opportunity to comprehensively manage various parts of Windows while simultaneously increasing security and speed of application of settings. Windows 10/11 Manager, despite its small size, contains many tools that save every Windows user from having to install other similar programs separately.

Windows 10/11 Manager features and capabilities:
The ability to clean Windows of unnecessary and useless files that uselessly take up space.
Cleaning and sorting the registry structure
Optimization of Internet speed depending on bandwidth and type of Internet (Dial-up, ADSL, etc.)
Optimizing system security and speed
Ability to eliminate common Windows problems.
Automatic adjustment of Windows security parameters to prevent possible attacks.
The ability to personalize various parts of Windows, including the Start menu, desktop, menu, taskbar, notification area, etc.
Increasing the speed of copying files and the ability to stop and continue copying large files.
Driver management
The possibility of complete removal of programs
required system
Windows 10/11


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Windows 11 Pro 23H2 Plus 2021 Required) 22621.3155 Build Pro (TPM With Office Torrent

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Secure Boot & TPM Required | English | Microsoft Office Pro Plus | 64bit | March 2024

Windows 11 Pro 23H2 Build 22621.3155 (TPM Required) With Office 2021 Pro Plus (x64) En-US [FTUApps]

Windows 11. The main part of this announcement was to be a presentation of a significant user interface change, codenamed Sun Valley. As we know, a significant portion of the UX changes will be borrowed from the Windows 10X shell, and Windows 10X is not coming to market. Now, as expected, the Windows 11 information leak begins.

What’s New in Windows 11:
– Windows 11 will receive a completely new design. Microsoft clearly needs a good reason to reverse its past claims and still ditch Windows 10 by introducing a new operating system number. And a completely new design is great for that. The Redmond giant has long been preparing a redesign for an update with the code name Sun Valley (“Sun Valley”) – apparently, under this naming it was Windows 11. The Sun Valley project flashed on the network for a long time – Microsoft regularly disclosed details of the new interface style, insiders shared the previously unknown information, and popular designers in their circles drew realistic concepts based on all this data.
– Start and system elements will float above the bottom bar. Start is the calling card and face of every recent version of Windows. Not surprisingly, in Windows 11, developers will transform it again, but not so much in functional as in visual terms – the Start window will hover above the bottom bar. We have to admit that this small change makes the appearance of the system much fresher. Judging by information from the network, Microsoft will not radically change the “insides” of this menu – the innovations will affect only the design of the window itself. The control panel will also float, and its design will be exactly the same as that of the “Start”. The action center will be combined with the control buttons together – a similar one has long been used in some other operating systems. Almost all mentions of this new menu indicate that it will be island – the control buttons will be located on one separate panel, notifications will be on another, and specific elements (like a player) on another separate on.
– Right angles will disappear, they will be replaced by fillets. In truth, insiders and concept designers disagree on this point – some are confident that Microsoft will not change its traditions and will keep right angles, while others are convinced that in 2021 Microsoft will follow the fashion for fillets. The latter fits better with the definition of “completely new Windows” – just hovering menus are not enough for a new design to be considered truly new. Fillets are expected to affect virtually everything in the system, from context menus and system panels to all application windows. True, even on this issue, the opinions of concept designers differ – some draw fillets in all possible interface elements, others combine them with right angles.
– There will be a translucent background with blur everywhere. There is disagreement on the web about the island style of displaying windows, the design of the corners and the levitation effect of the menu, but almost everyone is unanimous about the transparency of the windows. The vast majority of leaks and design renders show transparency and blur in all windows, be it at least the Start menu or Explorer. Moreover, these effects are even in the assembly of the canceled Windows 10X operating system, which Microsoft was developing for devices with two screens and weak gadgets in parallel with the Sun Valley project.

Black Desert: Special Provervoy #10

Black Desert It does not stand still and is constantly developing – the developers add various types of activities to the game and try to diversify the gameplay in every way. More recently, arenas appeared in the Korean version, allowing two teams of three people to fight each other and find out who is a complete “cancer” and who really “drags”.

Blood and sand

First you should figure out what the arena is and how to be on it. This is the “instance” zone in the location “Alta Nova”, which you can only get through a special interface. The battlefield is a round platform on which there are four pillars. Why are they needed? Everything is simple – players can hide behind them and use them as a shelter. But, as expected, the pillars will not save you from spells that cause damage in the area.

How to get into the arena? First you will need to gather a group of three people who will take part in the battle. After that, you need to open a special dialog box and apply for participation. The Matchmaching system will automatically put you in the queue, and then notify and transfer it to the area of ​​action when there is a suitable team of opponents. We remind: despite the fact that the world Black Desert completely open, areas are in the “instance” zone, so no one can interfere with your battle.

Teams begin in opposite corners of the arena behind closed doors. Before the battle, we are given some time for preparation: you can impose “buffs”, change equipment and quickly estimate the battle tactics. As soon as the gates open, the participants will allow you to enter the fight. After the members of one of the teams kill all three opponents, the score will appear on the screen and statistics of the battle. After a small amount of time, all six heroes are safely teleported to where they were called.

One of the positive features of the rent is that the fights are dynamically, without protracted battles and switches around the pillars. It is worth noting that at this stage of the game for the victory, the participants do not receive any bonuses. Arena is one of many activities designed to distract the user from routine affairs and give a little fun in battles with other heroes without the opportunity to gain karma.

What is the “Setap” best to go to the battle? Since the fights pass quickly, the best option for Pati will be a team from one near -battle warrior and two heroes at a long distance. Based on

the skills of the characters, we can safely say that Setapa from the giant, the witch and archer has pretty good chances: the first may grab the enemies and keep “in control” while the rest shoot the victim. Since in Black Desert several new classes have appeared, the composition of groups can be quite interesting and non -standard.

We hope that the developers will continue to introduce new and interesting content, which will be aimed not only at the development of the character, but also at the entertainment. Fortunately, while they are on the right track.